Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010

What licenses does my new business in California need in order to be legal?

This is one of the most common questions asked by new business owners in California. To give you a headstart in this process, and to assist you in finding the appropriate permitting information for your specific business and specific location, the CalGOLD database at www.calgold.ca.gov/ provides links and contact information that direct you to agencies that administer and issue business permits, licenses and registration requirements from all levels of government. The CalGold listings include descriptions of the requirements, the contact information of the agencies that administer those requirements, and in most cases a direct link to the agencies' Internet web pages. Then, you should only require the assistance of business counsel, if serious licensing issues come about.

Important Proviso: The above material does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied on. It does not create an attorney-client relationship. Each locality has differing laws. A legal matter cannot be satisfactorily resolved without a comprehensive review and analysis of all the unique facts and laws at issue by an able attorney. Your matter may result in a loss of rights if you do not timely retain such an attorney.

Contact: If you would like to discuss this matter further in a more private forum, please feel free to contact me directly at the email address provided through my firm’s website located at http://www.BealBusinessLaw.com.

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